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Report what they said or asked. Use the verbs told (sb), explained (to sb), asked, wondered, wanted to know.
1) Andrew to Bob: Three years ago they were at school.
2) Steve (to you): Have you done a lot today?
3) Max (to you): Did you work at the factory last year?
4) Diana to olga: Did you buy a new dictionary yesterday?
5) Peter to Sally: Did they travel much last month?


Ответ дал: nunny
1) Andrew explained to Bob that three years before they had been at school.
2) Steve asked me if I had done a lot that day.
3) Max
wondered if I had worked at the factory the previous year.
4) Diana
wanted to know if Olga had bought a new dictionary the day before.
5) Peter asked Sally if they had travel much the previuos month.

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