помогите пожалуйста выбрать правильный вариант. 1THERE IS NO/ THERE ARE NO cow there. 2 THERE IS/THERE ARE a horse and three pigs on the farm. 3 THERE IS NOT/ THERE ARE NOT any rabbits there 4 THERE IS / THERE ARE NO a pig dog there. 5 THERE IS / THERE ARE six mice on the farm. 6 but THERE IS NO/ THERE ARE NOT any cats there.


Ответ дал: Liova23
There is no. there are. there are not. there is no. there are. there are not.

Liova23: )))
Ответ дал: BLOMIGO
1. There isn't cow there
2. There are a horse and three pigs on the farm
3. There aren't any rabbits there
4. There isn't a pig there/There aren't a pig and a dog there
5. There are six mice on the farm
6. But there aren't any cats there
Мне кажется но вместо THERE необходимо говорить HERE

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