45 баллов!! Составьте альтернативные вопросы таким образом, чтобы данные ниже фразы могли служить ответом на этот вопрос.
1. We are going by bus. It is cheaper.
2. She is English.
3. I think we will have a dictation.
4. This is my pencil.
5. We went to the cinema and watched a film.
6. I am more interested in Russian literature.
7. It was a very clean and nice place.
8. This is my father.
9.I have been to London.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

Are you going by train or by bus?

Is she American or English?

Will you have a test or a dictation?

Is this his or your pencil?

Did you go to the theatre or to the cinema?

Are you interested in French or Russian literature?

Was it a nice,clean or a bad,dirty place?

Is this your uncle or father?

Have you been to Glasgow or to London?

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