Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. "Do you like Chinese food?"
"I ... (not mind) it but ... (prefer) Thai. I ... (love) green curry... it .... (be) my favourite!"
2. "I .... (not believe) it!"
"What's the matter?"
"... (remember) John Barnes from our old school? He's got a new job."
"Hmm, well I ... (not care)."
3. ".... (need) any help with your coursework?"
"Everything .... (seem) fine but if there's anything i .... (not understand) I'll tell you."
4. My mum's lasagne .... (look) good, it .... (smell) fantastic and it .... (taste) delicious!


Ответ дал: gshakuova
1. don't mind, prefer , love , is
2. don't believe, Do you remember, don't care
3. Do, seems, don't understand
4. looks, smells,tastes
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