ПОМОГИТЕ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! Очень срочно надо!!!
упр1. Put in an article ”a”, “the”, “—“ where necessary.
1. He is in …… prison. He has stolen my computer.
2. She went to …… hospital to visit Emily.
3. Where is Jack? –He is in ……. Church. It′s Sunday today.
4. I live near ……school. …….. school is very amazing building.
5. We had ……..delicious dinner at Carnegie Deli.
6. Usually she has ……… breakfast at school.
7. It was …….. worst lunch I have ever had.
8. …….dinner we had in that café was disgusting.

упр2. Fill in the gaps with last or latest.
1. This is her ……..chance. She must use it.
2. This dress is the ………. fashion.
3. This is Pushkin′s ………..poem.
4. I want to know the ……….news.
5. It was ………bus for today.


Ответ дал: besedinavikaozin7f
№ 1     1-a  2- the       3- a       4- the,the       5- ----       6-  a        7- the     8-  -----     
№2     1-last     2-latest    3-last   4- lalatest         5-last

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