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Ответ дал: XxDianaxX
I'd like to live in an unusual house because it would be quite interesting. It is something that I have always wanted to do.There are a lot of reasons to want to live in an unusual house. On the one hand, you would always have something interesting to look at, and you could show off your house to your friends. But on the other hand, it would be extremely hard to maintain the house in a good state. Besides being hard to maintain, there will probably be people who would give you weird stares for owning such a house. All in all, I think it is all worth it, because an unusual house is a fun house. That's why I would love to have a house like that.

Я хотела побольше написать, но я неуверенно что вы проходили ранее, и не знаю если могу использовать очень сложную лексику. Надеюсь этого достаточно. Я извиняюсь если нужно было больше T^T
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