Помогите пожалуйста срочно нужно номер F



Ответ дал: Слишкомумнаядляшколы
Если в скобках написан тип сондишинала, то так:
if you can changed your app. what would you changed?
If you you watched TV tonight, what will you watch?
if you went out tonight, where will you go?
if you could live in..., where would you live?
if you had a lot of..., what could you buy?
if you learnt to speak ..., how will you use the language?

ljuponi: If you could chang your app.,what would you change?
ljuponi: If you had a lot of money, what would you buy?
Ответ дал: ljuponi
If you could change your appearance, what would you change?
If you watch TV tonight, what will you watch?
If you go out tonight, where will you go?
If you could live in another country, where would you live?
If you had a lot of money, what would you buy?
If you learn to speak Emglish well, how will you use the language?

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