Write the questions to the underlined words.
1. She kept her old books in the ATTIC.
2. The YARD was very big and green and full of flowers.
3. He leaves his car in the street because he doesn't have a GARAGE.
4. She will bring the keys to open the CELLAR.
5. They have bought a COSY armchair.
6. Their house is better because of CENTRAL HEATING.
7. We used the FIREPLACE very seldom.
8. Her ANCESTORS lived in another house.



Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. Where did she keep her old books?
2. What was very big and green and full of flowers?
3. Why does he leave his car in the street?
4. What does she want to open?
5. What kind of armchair have they bought?
6. Why is their house better?
7. What did we use very seldom?
8. Who lived in another house?
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