Напиши по английски:

Они дали ей книгу или ручку?
Что они ей дали?
Они не дали книгу.
Обезьянка ела бананы.
Обезьянка ела яблоки?
Что она ела?


Ответ дал: Лимоныч
Did they give her a book or a pen?
What did they give her?
They did not give the book.
The monkey ate bananas.
Did the monkey eat apples?
What did she eat?
Ответ дал: zhasulanekb
1. Did they give her a book or a pen?
2. What they did give her?
3. They didn’t give her a book.
4. A monkey ate bananas.
5. Did a monkey eat apples?
6. What did it ate?
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