Вставьте пропущенные слова (баллов не жалею, только помогите!!)

1. Have you seen that new ______ with Tony Parker? It's set in a shoe shop and it's hilarious!

2. The ______ is www.my autographs ru.

3. I don't know why you get that______ every day. There's never any news in it.

4. I mustn't forget to set the video to record the next _____ of Melrose Place.

5. I'll take a couple of_____ to read by the pool.

6. The______ is terrible. Are you sure you've tuned in the TV properly?

7. There's a______ about space travel on BBC1, and a black and white movie on BBC2.

8. I think I'll cancel my ______ to Forthlink; other companies are offering much cheaper Internet connection packages these days.

9. So what if it's a_______! Don't you want to see it again?

10. I always read Martin Flannigan’s_____ in The Post. He's very clever.

tabloid, subscription, documentary, sitcom/ situation comedy, episode, repeat, address, column, paperbacks, reception.


Ответ дал: Skyhige

mdominik: а слово "tabloid" ?
Skyhige: Всего 12 слов. Предложений 10.
mdominik: Почему? Нет слов тоже 10
mdominik: 1. tabloid,
2. subscription,
3. documentary,
4. sitcom/ situation comedy,
5. episode,
6. repeat,
7. address,
8. column,
9. paperbacks,
10. reception.
Skyhige: Ошибся. Через 5 минут исправлю.
mdominik: Да это я непонятно написала... жду, большое спасибо за ответ
Skyhige: Исправил. Должно быть всё верно :)
mdominik: От души, выручил)
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