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последний свой выходной я провела в парке со своими друзьями. Мы катались на коньках , ватрушках , гуляли по парку и делали интересный и веселые фотографии. позже мы зашли в кафе погреться, попить чай и поехали домой. мой любимый день недели суббота , по субботам мы с родителями гуляем по москве или идем в познавательный музей. вечером я играю в компьютерный игры, читаю книги или смотрю телевизор. в субботу я позно ложусь спать, так как следуйщий день тоже выходной и я могу встать позже чем обычно на неделе


Ответ дал: глухарь4а

I spent my last day off at the park with my friends. We skated on skates, cheesecakes, walked around the park and made interesting and funny photos. Later we went to the cafe to warm up, drink tea and went home. my favorite day of the week is Saturday, on Saturdays we with parents walk in Moscow or go to the cognitive museum. in the evening I play computer games, read books or watch TV. on Saturday I go to bed because the next day is also a day off and I can get up later than usual in the week
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Ответ дал: amrzbva
I spent my last day off at the park with my friends. We skated on skates, cheesecakes, walked around the park and made interesting and funny photos. Later we went to the cafe to warm up, drink tea and went home. my favorite day of the week is Saturday, on Saturdays we with parents walk in Moscow or go to the cognitive museum. in the evening I play computer games, read books or watch TV. on Saturday I go to bed because the next day is also a day off and I can get up later than usual in the week
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