Complete the sentences using degrees of comparison.
Example:The blue whale is langer (large) than any of the dinosaurs.

1 Amazon is the ____ (long) river in the world 2 The Amur is the _____ (long) river
in Russia 3 The Amazon is ____ (long) than the Amur 4 Everest is the _____ (high) mountain in the world 5 The great white shark is the _____ (dangerous) shark. 6 The blue whale is much ______ ( large) than the great white shark. 7 Dolphins much ____ (clever) than sharks.


Ответ дал: filichkina00
1. longest
2. longest
3. longer
4. highest
5. most dangerous
6. larger
7. more clever
Ответ дал: Skyhige
1. the longest
2. the longest
3. longer
4. the highest
5. the most dangerous
6. larger
7. more clever 

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