Put the verbs in brackets in the past continuous or simple
Example: When the Black Knight rode (ride) out of his castle, Arthur was
waiting (wait) outside.
1. Arthur … (fight) the Black Knight when his sword … (break).
2. The Black Knight … (win) when Merlin … (appear) and … (save)
3. While the Black Knight … (sleep), Arthur and Merlin … (go) to the fairy
4. The sun … (shine) when they … (arrive) at the lake.
5. Arthur … (stand) near the lake when a hand … (come) up out of the
6. When Arthur and Merlin … (come) back, the Black Knight … (still
sleep) on the ground.
7. When Arthur … (die), he … (ask) a friend to throw Excalibur back into
the lake.


Ответ дал: Klovblu
1) was fighting ... broke
2) won ... appeared and saved
3) was sleeping ... went
4) was shining ... arrived
5) was standing ... came
6) came ... was still sleeping
7) died ... asked

LIkaMarg: thank you very much
Klovblu: В последнем в зависимости от контекста (если артур умирал, то was dying; если он уже умер, то died
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