Put the verbs in brackets in the past continuous or simple past. Example: When the Black Knight rode (ride) out of his castle, Arthur was waiting (wait) outside. 1. Arthur … (fight) the Black Knight when his sword … (break). 2. The Black Knight … (win) when Merlin … (appear) and … (save) Arthur. 3. While the Black Knight … (sleep), Arthur and Merlin … (go) to the fairy country. 4. The sun … (shine) when they … (arrive) at the lake. 5. Arthur … (stand) near the lake when a hand … (come) up out of the water. 6. When Arthur and Merlin … (come) back, the Black Knight … (still sleep) on the ground. 7. When Arthur … (die), he … (ask) a friend to throw Excalibur back into the lake.


Ответ дал: ludochka0907p0wipe
1) was fighting , broke
2) was winning,appeared and saved
3) was sleeping, were going
4) was shining, arrived
5) was standing, came
6) came, was still sleeping 
7) was dying, asked
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