Fill in the correct form. Arthur fought ... (successful) against those knights and lords who did not want to accept him. Thrn hr went to the Black Knight's castle. The Black Knight was very ... (powerful). When he saw Arthur, he took his sword and started to fight against him. Arthur fought ... (hard), but his sword broke. The Black Knight saw he could now kill Arthur ... (easy). But then Merlin appeared and touched him on the shoulder. The Black Knight fell down ... (slow) to the ground and slept ... (deep). Merlin took Arthur through the forest. It was very ... (dark). They came to a place Arthur did not know. A woman walked ... (quiet) towards him and said, '' You are in fairy country, why are you here?'' Arthur said, ''I need a new sword ... (quick).'' And out of the lake came an arm with a sword. It was more ... (beautiful) than all the others in the world.


Ответ дал: peskotskaya
successfully,powerful,hard,easily,slowly,deeply, dark,quietly,quickly,beautiful
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