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Ответ дал: MarikMansurov
The shimpanzee is a very interesting animal.It lives in tropical rain forests,woodlands,swarp forests and grasslands in western Africa.
The shimpanzee eats leaves,grass,fruit and meat. It uses sticks and stones to get food. It's a very clever animal!
Let's talk about its body. The body is short.It has a very long arms,in fact,they're longer than the legs. The face of it is funny with a big ears.
What can this animal do? It can climb trees with arms,legs and a tail. Also it can do the sounds and gestures to communicate.
Lots of people say that we became to human from shimpanzee. And,I can say,that it's right,because the shimpanzee can do many things that peole do too.
The shimpanzee is the most clever animal in the world!
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