Используйте условные типы0,1,2 и 3 и пишите рядом с каждым предложением, какой тип условия!!!
1) If I were you,......(marry) him.
2) If I had known, I.....(lend) you my car.
3) ........(call) me if you are free?
4) Would you buy this car If you......(have) enough money?
5) I.......(watch) the match If I have enough time.
6) If you..........(turn) the tap, water pours.
7) If I get there on time, I.........(call) you.
8) if you had worked hard, you...........(be) promoted.


Ответ дал: nunny
1) If I were you,......(I would marry) him. 2
2) If I had known, I.....(would have lent) you my car. 3
3) ........(Will you call) me if you are free? 1
4) Would you buy this car If you......(had) enough money? 2
5) I.......(shall watch) the match If I have enough time. 1
6) If you..........(turn) the tap, water pours. 0
7) If I get there on time, I.........(will call) you. 1
8) if you had worked hard, you...........(would have been) promoted. 3

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