23. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. Не will be here either at 9 or at 10. 2. He was both tired and thirsty, for it was very hot. 3. I left very early because I was to go to meet a friend at the station. 4. That exercise is not only too long but also too difficult. 5. It is clear that he is wrong. 6. I shall not go to the country unless the weather is fine. 7. I don't know if he has finished the book yet. 8. Stay here until I come back. 9. I needn't tell you anything as he has told you all about it already. 10. He will get the letter tomorrow if you send it off now. 11. Seeing that the weather was so bad we decided not to go. 12. The sun is shining and there are very few clouds, but I am sure it is going to rain. 13. You can use my fountain pen on condition that you are very careful with it. 14. I haven't written to them since I came to Moscow. 15. You must leave at once, or you will miss the bus. 16. I cannot do it as you do.

24. Переведите на английский язык:

1. Где Вальтер? – Он играет в теннис. 2. Он хорошо играет в футбол? – Нет, он играет плохо. 3. Я не знаю человека, который разговаривает с директором. 4. Я часто разговариваю с моим приятелем о нашей поездке на Кавказ. 5. Александр поет очень хорошо. 6. Слушайте, Иван поет в соседней комнате. 7. Он не видит, что я на него смотрю, так как он читает что-то с большим интересом. 8. Позвоните ему сейчас. Я думаю, что он еще не спит. 9. Посмотрите на человека, который сидит у окна. Это наш адвокат.


Ответ дал: zh91
1. Where is Baltr?- he is play tennis.2. Does he play football well?- No, he play bad.3. I do not know the person who talks to the director.4. I often talk with my friend about our trip to the Caucasus.5.Alexsander sings very well.
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