I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
1) The always (play) in this place
2) She (tell) the story by 7 o'clock
3) They (celebrate) this holiday for 2 days
4) She (explain) this rule by the end of the lesson
5) We (have) an English lesson now
6) The rain (stop already)
7) He (sleep) at 5 o'clock yesterday
8) I (see) him last week
9) He (know) many secrets
10) She (wash) up for 10 minutes


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11
1 they play
2 had told
3 have been celebrating
4 had explained
5 are having
6 has already stopped
7 was sleeping
8 saw
9 knows/ has known
10 has been washing
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