Выберете правильный вариант ответа при переводе прямой речи в косвенную и переведите ответ на русский язык
1) She said “The delegation arrived yesterday”.
a) She said that the delegation arrived the day before.
b) She said that the delegation had arrived the day before.
c) She said that the delegation arrives the day before.
d) She said that the delegation would arrive the day before.

2) The teacher asked the students “What does this word mean?”
a) The teacher asked the students what does that word mean.
b) The teacher asked the students what did that word mean.
c) The teacher asked the students what that word meant.
d) The teacher asked the students what that word had meant.

3) He told me “I shall study English in the USA.”
a) He told me that I should study English in the USA.
b) He told me that he would study English in the USA.
c) He told me that he will study English in the USA.
d) He told me that he studied English in the USA.


Ответ дал: jgdhjmkj
Она сказала, что делегация приземлилась позавчера.
Учитель спросил детей, что значит это слово.
Он сказал мне, что будет изучать английский в США.
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