Use the present simple or present continuous to complete the exchange.
Tom: Hi , Sue . 1)..........................(you/enjoy) your trip to New York?
Sue: I 2)...............................(have) a wonderful time! Ireally like the hustle and bustle of the crowded streets .
Tom : What 3)..............................(you/usually/do) during the day ?
Sue: Oh, Iusually 4)..............................(see) the sights or I 5)..................(visit) one of the musems .
Tom: That 6).......................(sounds) like great fun! What else do you do?
Sue: Millions of things . My friends 7)....................(take) me to different attractions every day !
Tom: What 8)...............................(you/do) now?
Sue: I 9)......................(go) to the Bronx Zoo. I 10)...................(love) wild animals!
Tom : Well, I 11).............................(hope) you  12)........................(have) fun.
Sue: Thanks. Goodblye.


Ответ дал: galina572319
Tom: Hi , Sue . 1) Are you enjoying ...(you/enjoy) your trip to New York?
Sue: I 2)am having....(have) a wonderful time! I really like the hustle and bustle of the crowded streets . 
Tom : What 3) do you usually do...(you/usually/do) during the day ?
Sue: Oh, I usually 4) see...(see) the sights or I 5) visit...(visit) one of the musems . 
Tom: That 6) sounds like great fun!  What else do you do?
Sue: Millions of things . My friends 7) take...(take) me to different attractions every day ! 
Tom: What 8) are you doing now...(you/do) now?
Sue: I 9) am going...(go) to the Bronx Zoo. I 10) love...(love) wild animals! 
Tom : Well, I 11) hope...(hope) you  12) will have...(have) fun.
Sue: Thanks. Goodbye.
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