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1) Do you know that _____ Paris is the capital of France?

2) What languages are spoken in ____ Canada?

3) _____New York is the most important financial centre of _____ USA.

4) ____ Moscow was founded in 1147.

5) _____ North Sea is located between Great Britain and Scandinavia.

6) ______ Volga flows into _____ Caspian Sea.

7) ______ Alps are one of the greatest mountain chains in _____ Europe.

8) I would like to visit _____ United States of America.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 Do you know that Paris is the capital of France?
2 What languages are spoken in Canada?
3 New York is the most important financial center of the USA.
4 Moscow was founded in 1147.
5 The North Sea is located between Great Britain and Scandinavia.
6 The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.
7 The Alps are one of the greatest mountain chains in Europe.
8 I would like to visit the United States of America.
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