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A 1. The scientists (discussing / discussed) this problem will take part in the conference. 2. The problems (discussing / discussed) at the conference are of great importance for future research. 3. The subjects (studying / studied) in the first year at the Institute are: mathematics, chemistry, drawing geometry and others. 4. Students (studying / studied) foreign languages should read special lit-erature in the original. 5. The professor (delivering / delivered) lectures on mathematics is a well-known specialist. 6. The lecture (delivering / delivered) by professor N. was very interest-ing. 7. Specialists (training / trained) at our University work in different fields of the national economy. 8. The coach (training / trained) our volley-ball team is a good sportsman.


Ответ дал: AripovZ
1. discussing
2. discussed
3. studied
4. studying
5. delivering
6. delivered
7. trained
8. training
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