Liz was waking up / woke up at 7 o’clock. She was getting up / got up, was putting on / put on her dressing gown and was going / went downstairs. She was making / made some toast and some coffee. The phone was ringing / rang while she was having / had a shower, but she wasn’t answering / didn’t answer it. After her shower she was getting / got dressed and was taking / took the dog for a walk in the park. It seemed strange, but while they were walking / walked they weren’t meeting / didn’t meet anyone there. At eight o’clock Liz was leaving / left the house to go to work. But as she was driving / drove down the motorway, she was turning on / turned on the radio and was hearing / heard the newsreader say, “Good morning. I hope you are all enjoying a relaxing Bank Holiday Monday!”


Ответ дал: Puchiklya
1) Woke 
2)Got up
3)Put on
6)Was ringing
7)Was having
8) Didnt anser
9)Got dresses
10) Took
11)Were walking
12) Didnt meet
13)Left the house
14)Was driving
15)Turned on

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