Помогите пожалуйста раскрывать скобки (have to) You(have to) read this book? Mary (have to) have lunch? Pupils (have to) help their parets. John (have to) visit gid friends tomorrow? Ann(have to) Cook soup? Max (not have to) cry. Children (not have to) play computer games all day long. Jong (not have to) gets up early tomorrow. We (have to) clean our flat tomorrow.


Ответ дал: zhanchiktu
Do you have to read this book?
Does Mary have to have lunch?
Pupils have to help their parents.
Does John have to visit his freinds tomorrow?
Does Ann have to cook soup?
Max doesn't have to cry
Children don't have to play computer games all day long.
John doesn't have to get up early tomorrow.
We have to clean our flat tomorrow.
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