Вставьте артикли a/an/the/zero:
__ aeroplane is faster than a train
he reads __ Times every morning
she adores being in __ Hyde Park in autumn
__ Smiths are very hospitable
he is __ photographer. His photos is wonderful
Lisbon is the capital of __ Portugal
have you ever been to __ Acropolis


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
An aeroplane is faster than a train.
He reads the Times every morning.
She adores being in Hyde Park in autumn.
The Smith are very hospitable.
He is a photographer. His photos are wonderful.
Lisbon is the capital of Portugal.
Have you ever been to Acropolis?
Ответ дал: itszhamilya1
1) an
2) zero
3) the
4) the
5) a
6) zero
7) zero
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