Open the brackets using Present Perfect, Past Perfect and Future Perfect.
It is the easiest job I (ever/have).
2 I fell better after I (take) the medicine.
3 I (not/be) there for ages.
4 She (tidy up) the flat before he comes.
5 I was late. The teacher already (give) a quiz when I came into the classroom.
6 The workers (ship) the goods before the telegram arrives.
7 I am here for an hour. Where you (be)?
8 When I got to the station, the 9 o’clock train (already/leave).


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 It is the easiest job I have ever had.
2 I fell after I had taken the medicine.
3 I haven't been there for ages.
4 She will tidy up the flat before he comes
5 I was late. The teacher had already given a quiz when I came into the room.
6 The workers will ship the goods before the telegram arrives.
7 I am here for an hour. Where have you been?
8 When I got for the station, the 9 o'clock train had already left.
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