Вставить артикли: 1. Beyond lay ... Smoky Mountains. 2. We left for ... East on the following morning. 3. We came to ... Ohio River after that. 4. They passed many coal mints on ...way. 5. We crossed ... historic Delaware River at ... Trenton. 6. He arrived in ... New York on ... very rainyday. 7. The Mannings went through ... Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip. 8. She spent several hours at ... Bronx Zoo on ... Monday. 9. They took ... wonderful boat ride around ... Manhattan on ... last day of their visit. 10. ...Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1Beyond lay the Smoky Mountains.
2 We left for the East on the following morning.
3 We came to the Ohio River after that.
4 They passed many coal mints on the way.
5 We crossed the hostoric Delaware River at Trenton.
6 He arrived in New York on a very rainday.
7 The Mannings went through the Blue Ridge Mountains on their trip.
8 She spent several hours at the Bronx Zoo on Monday.
9 They took the wonderful boat ride around Manhattan on the last day of their visit.
10 Dr. Rebecca Richards is our dentist.
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