4. Замените выделенные слова притяжательными местоимениями.

1. This is Jack’s brother. 2. This is Susan’s nephew. 3. This is Bob and Dick’s father. 4. This is my and my sister’s granny. 4. This is Boris’s niece. 5. This is Mary’s sister-in-law. 6. These are Henry’s parents. 7. These are Betty’s grandparents. 8. This is my and my brother’s grandpa. 10. This is Richard’s stepson. 11. These are John and Nelly’s children. 12. This is Mrs. Green’s daughter. 13. These are the Greens’ grandchildren. 14. This is my and my stepsister’s family. 15. This is William’s cousin.


Ответ дал: Аленamey
1 his
2 hers
3 theirs
4 ours
5 his
6 hers
7 his
8 hers
9 ours
10 his
11 theirs
12 hers
13 theirs
14 ours
15 his
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