СРОЧНО Сочинение на 15 предложений: «Вы по скайпу беседуете о музыке с новым знакомым из англоязычной
Подготовьте устное сообщение в объеме 15 предложений по ситуации.
Расскажите о музыке, которая популярна среди молодежи сегодня, какой
музыкальный жанр Вы предпочитаете, почему. Когда и где Вы любите слушать музыку?
Умеете ли Вы играть на каком-либо музыкальном инструменте?


Ответ дал: Irelia
Hey there, my dear friend. Let's talk about music! What's your favourite genre? Are you into old or new kind of music?
Nowdays, teens tend to listen to hip-hop, rap or rock. Too bad they don't pay attention to classic, but what can we do here? It's their choice. I honestly don't know what's my fav genre since i listen to pretty much anything, as long as i like it. Like, when im down i tend to listen to some slow, sad music, but when i'm happy i listen to pop! Have to admit that i pop is #1 genre for me because it sounds really simple, and the lyrics are simple to remember, plus, the rhytm is always really good. I love to listen to music when i'm working out or outside, doing some stuff alone such as buying food in shop. Life without music is really boring after all. 
I used to learn guitar, but gave up on it since i have to pass exams pretty soon. Hope i'll catch up later.
Thanks for the talk, friend. Hope to chat with you sometime later.
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