Помагите . Выберите и обведите соответствующие служебные слова из данных в скобках . 1) After the rain , the path was not safe enough , and Georgina wallked slowly holding on (for/to) the branches of the trees . 2)( At/In) the beginning of the story all the members of the crew are at war . 3) You have been thinking about it for several days . What's your decision (at/in) the end? 4) I'd like two seats (for/to) tomorrow , please . 5) I would like to buy a programme (from/at) the usher . 6) Sam is a man (of/with) strong charater . 7) I introduced my friend (for/to) my grandmother . 8) Tim had left (before/after) Ann returned . The girl was surprised not to find him at home .


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

1 to

2 at

3 in

4 for

5 from

6 of

7 to

8 before  

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