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Ответ дал: Azzaires
а) 1. He said that he would go to the cinema the next day.
2. She said that she was ready.
3. They said that they had submitted their projects.

б) 1. I asked if you could help us.
2. We asked if he had enjoyed the trip.
3. The teacher asked the student if he lived at a hostel or at home.
4. She asked me if I was going to the theatre that night.
5. She asked me if I was glad to hear the news.

в) 1. She asked me from where I had come.
2. She asked us what article were we discussing.
3. We asked them how many subjects did they study in the second year.

г) 1. He asked us to go home as soon as possible.
2. The teacher ordered to clean the blackboard.
3. I ordered to repeat the question.
4. She asked us not to forget the grammar material.
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