When (did she choose had! the chosen) to take a course in com-
G. B. shaw (wrote /has written) a lot of plays.
The applicants were happy to hear that they (passed had passed)
the centralized test successfully.
(did you meet! Have you met) anyone interesting at the recep-
Mr. Billboard (had been thinking / thought) his decision over dur-
ing the lunch break.
Who (was driving / drove) the car at the time of the accident?
When I (searched / was searching) for the documents, I suddenly
remembered I (left /had left) them in my briefcase at hone.
Because he (didn't check /hadn'' checked) the oil for so long. the
car (broke /had broken) down.
When (arrived / was arriving) at the office Ms Flick (waited
was waiting) for me.
10. While I had was having) lunch (looked / was looking) through
the financial newspapers and saw that the company's investments
(grew /had grown) by 10%


Ответ дал: Naughty007
When did she choose to take a course in com-
G. B. shaw wrote a lot of plays.
The applicants were happy to hear that they had passed the centralized test successfully.
Have you met anyone interesting at the reception?
Mr. Billboard had been thinking his decision over during the lunch break.
Who was driving the car at the time of the accident?
When I was searching for the documents, I suddenly remembered I had left them in my briefcase at home.
Because he hadn't checked the oil for so long. the car broke down.
When i arrived at the office Ms Flick was waiting for me.
10. While I was having lunch I was looking through the financial newspapers and saw that the company's investments had grown by 10%
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