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Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the Present Perfect.

Sandy: Hi, Carl. I'm phoning from France to wish you Happy Birthday.

Carl: Thanks. How long have you,been you been there?

Sandy: I (1 go).....here since Saturday. The weather (2 not be).....very good but I (3 see).....a lot of places and I (4 speak)..... French all the time.

Carl: (5 eat).....you.....any frog's legs yet?

Sandy: No, I haven't, what (6 have).....you.....for your birthday? Carl: My parents (7 buy).....me a new computer. I (8 send).....an e-mail to my friend in New Zealand.

Sandy: Why (9 not send).....you.....one to me?

Carl: Because I (10 lose).....your e-mail address.


Ответ дал: Werrina
(1 have gone) (2 has not been) (3 have seen) (4 have spoken) (5 Have you eaten) (6 have you had) (7 have bought) (8 have sent) (9 haven't you sent) (10 have lost)
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