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At weekends Freddie gets up 6 o'clock in the morning. Dad gets up early too. He walks Freddie and feeds him. Then Mum gets up and makes breakfast. Jessica and I get up late at 10 or 11 o'clock. First we worch TV then wash get dressed and have breakfast. At the weekend I often play computer games or go to my friend Been's house. Jessica reads or goes out to play with here foreigners. On Saturdays we always clean the house. On Sunday I go to football practice. Jessica goes to dance class. At the weekend we usually have lunch and dimmer at home. Sometimes we go to the funfair. What do we do theire ? We go on rides and eat our favourite cakes in a cafe. At the weekend we often go to bed late!


Ответ дал: annymo05
Gets up,walks,feeds,makes, get up, watch, wash,get dressed, have breakfast,play, go, reads,goes, clean,do, eat - время past simple
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