Вставьте частицу to, где это необходимо. Parents should let the children … have private life. I waited for my friend … get off the bus. They made me … do it. We can’t … let him stay outdoors. He ordered the car … come at 5 p.m. At last he was made … write a letter to his parents. Children were allowed … go to the cinema alone. Let us … be friends. What makes you … think so? Don’t let him … drive so fast.


Ответ дал: parljukljuba
Parents should let the children have private life. I waited for my friend to get off the bus. They made me do it. We can't let him stay outdoors. He ordered the car to come at 5 p.m. At last he was made to write a letter to his parents. Children were allowed to go to the cinema alone. Let us be friends. What makes you think so? Don't let him drive so fast.
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