Did you ( you/enjoy) the film last night?
... (you/go) to work yesterday?
No, I ... (never/work)
... (you/see) Charles yesterday?
Yes. Wo (have) lunch together
... ( Colin/work) at a bank?
No, he ... He ... (work) at a post
What time ... I (you start) school every day?
Eight o'clock. But yesterday we ... (start) at eight thirty
What ... (you/do) at weekends?
We usually ... (go) to the beach
... ( you/go) anything exciting last Saturday?
No, not really I ... (watch) TV and ... (read) a book it was boring weekend


Ответ дал: theatral2002
1) Did you enjoy the film last night?
2)Did you go to work yesterday? No, l have never worked.
3)Did you see Charles yesterday?
Yes, we had lunch together.
4)Does Colin work at a bank? No, he doesn't . He is at a post.
5)Wjat time do you start school every day? Eight o'clock. But yesterday we started at eight thirty.
6) What do you do at weekends? We usually go to the beach.
7)Did you do anything exciting last Saturday?
No, not really. I watched TV and read a book. It was boring weekend.
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