Read the sentences and decide in which of them VERY means a) «очень» and in which b) «именно та, тот,те»

1) It was the very book we had spoken about .
2) I'm very sorry that you not feeling well.
3) That is the very movie I saw yesterday.
4) The very idea of getting up at six in the morning was absolutely awful.
5) Your gift was the very thing I have always wanted.
6) That was a very interesting myth.
7) The assistant wasn't very helpful.
8) Liam Mac Uistin is the very person who wrote "Celtic Magic Tales".
9) Ireland is a very beautiful country full of ancient legends and myths.
10) Great Britain was a very powerful state in the 19th century


Ответ дал: Аноним
1b) that book,
2a) so sorry,
3b) that movie,
4b) that idea,
5b) that thing,
6a) such an interesting myth,
7a) so helpful,
8b) that person,
9a) such a beautiful country,
10a) such a powerful state.
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