используя вопросы , напиши , что ты делал(а) в пятницу
1. when did you begin breakfast?
2.Where did you have breakfast?
3. What did you drink ?
4. What did you eat?
5.Whan did you go to school ?
6. What did you take to school ?
7.Who did you meet at school ?


Ответ дал: reinami
I began breakfast at 7 am
I had breakfast at home
I drank coffee
I ate sandwiches with cheese and ham
I went to school at 8 am
I took textbooks, notebooks, pencils, rubber, pen and ruler to school
I met my classmates and teachers at school

VIKYLKA01: спасибо это точно правильно просто я тест пишу хотела убедиться
reinami: да
VIKYLKA01: ещё раз спс
Вас заинтересует