You need to translate the following sentences in English. What should you choose: Future Simple, Present Continuous or "to be going to"?
1) Мы собираемся купить летом машину.
2) Мы встречаемся в кафе в 17.00.
3) В этом году в буду заниматься спортом дважды в неделю.
4) На следующей неделе я иду к доктору.
5) Сколько времени ты собираешься пробыть у нас?


Ответ дал: sunnyooo
1) We are going to buy the car in the summer.
2)We are meetimg at the cafe at 5 o'clock.
3) This year I will do sports twice a week.
4) Next week I am going to doctor.
5) How much time will you spend in our home?

ARISKA2006: rfrbt 'nj dhtvtyf
ARISKA2006: какие это времена
sunnyooo: 2,4 - present continiois, там, где will - future simple, остальное - going to
Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 We are going to buy a car in summer. Present Continouos for future
2 We are meeting in the cafe at 5 p.m. Present Continouos
3 This year I will do sports twice a week. Future Simple
4 Next week I am going to the doctor. Present Continouos
5 How long are you going to stay with us? Present Continouos for future
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