Помогите пожалуйста.
Задание, Fill in the correct question tags and short answers.

1) a) Carol didnt pass her driving test, ....... ?
b) No, .........
2) a) Your sister has lost weight, ..........?
b) Yes, .........
3) a) The Joneses werent away last week, .......... ?
b) No, .............
4) a) That dog isnt dangerous, ........?
b) No, ...........
5) a) We havent run out of milk, ........ ?
b) Yes, ........
6) a) Lets go to the marine park, .........?
b) That sounds like a good ideal !
7) a) You can speak five languages, .........?
b) Yes, .........
8) a) Those cats are making an awful noise, ........ ?
b) Yes, ........
9) a) Alison looks great with short hair, .......... ?
b) Yes, .......
10) a) Be quiet, ........ ?
b) I,m sorry.


Ответ дал: KeDD
1 did she; she didn't
2. hasn't she; she has;
3.were they; they weren't
4.is it; it isn;t
5. have we; we have
6. shall we; 
7. can't you; i can;
8. aren't they; they are
9.doeasn't she; she does;
10. could you;

nataljennataljen: Спасибо огромное. Ещё сможете помочь? Я бы вам в сообщение написала задание, очень нужна помощь.
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