2. Fill in if or when.
1. _____ I catch a cold, I’ll stay at home.
2. _____ he doesn’t come to school tomorrow, she will phone him.
3. _____ I go to school, I usually meet Fred and we talk a little.
4. You’ll be hungry _____you don’t have lunch now.
5. Mary is a student. ______she leaves the college, she wants to work.
6. _____the spring is opened for the public, you can come and drink from it.
7. _____they get to the hotel in the afternoon, they are going to have lunch.
8. Linda will be surprised _____John comes on holiday.


Ответ дал: calininasofija
1 When
2 If
3 When
4 If
5 When
6 When
7 If
8 When
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