Переведите пожалуйста,хотябы примерно!
 Зимой в старом городе можно побывать на рожденственсой ярмарке.Она проходит на ратушной площади.В центре стоит красивая елка.Кажды человек может повесить на нее свои пожелания.Она также украшена игрушками и огнями.На ярмарке можно купить одежду,игрушки и сладости.


Ответ дал: Айге
In the winter in the old town you can visit the Christmas fair. It is held at the Town Hall Square. At the center is a beautiful Christmas tree. Each person can hang their wishes on it. It is also decorated with toys and lights. At the fair you can buy clothes, toys and sweets.
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
In winter you can visit the Christmas market in the old town. It takes place on the town square. There is a beautiful Christmas tree in the center of the square. Each person can hang on this tree his or her wishes. Christmas tree is also decorated with toys and lights. You can buy clothes, toys and sweets at the fair.

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