Заполни пропуски в предложениях, вставив it's или its
1)This is a dog аnd that is.....a bone. .....big.
2)This is a town. ....name is Boston. ....a big town. ....in America.
3)This is a flag. ...colour is white,blue and red. ....the Russian flag.
4)This is a book. ....little. ....an old book. ....name is "Old Town".
5)This is my pet. ....name is Reddie. ....a young red horse
Куда что вставить?


Ответ дал: WertyKinogo
1) its, it is
2) its, it is, it is
3) its, it is
4) it is, it is, its
5) its, it is
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