помогите с дз ОООЧЕНЬ СРОООЧНО:Complete the sentences. Use: stared, ruin, birst, broke, hung, spring. 1\A strange sound ....... the silence. 2\ fire .... from the hound`s mouth. 3\the weather could......Holmes` plan. 4\the fod...... oven the moor. 5\he..........helplessly as the hound ran at him. 6\ the hound ...........................out from the fod.


Ответ дал: GreyBoar

1\A strange sound ... broke.... the silence. 2\ fire . burst... from the hound`s mouth. 3\the weather could... ruin...Holmes` plan. 4\the fog... hung... over the moor. 5\he..... stared.....helplessly as the hound ran at him. 6\ the hound .......... sprang.................out from the fog.

GreyBoar: в 6 spring не может быть, должна быть другая форма
GreyBoar: 6 пёс выпрыгнул из тумана
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