помогите пожалуйста
Each sentence contains a mistake. Find the mistake and rewrite the sentence correctly
1 the teacher and the students going to go on an excursion
2 What do you do tomorrow
3 They say its raning next week
4The Prime Minister will make a decision today
5 I cant meet you tomorrow because ill do an exam
6 If scientists dont find a solution fot this problem , the planet gets much hotter
7 I may definitely arrive at the station at six o"clock


Ответ дал: EasyLingua
1. ARE going to go
2. what ARE you doing tomorrow?
3. it WILL rain
4. makes
5. i am not able to (будущее время вместо CAN)
6. WILL get (не совсем уверен)
7. вместо may можно поставить can или could (лучше поставить could, т.к. действие будет в будущем)
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