Употребите в следующих предложениях глаголы to be, to do или to have в соответствующей форме. Переведите эти предложения.
1. What ship ... you sail on last year? - I sailed on board the m/v Vyborg ... you a Second Officer then? - No, I ... I ... the Third Officer.
2. ... the Third Officer on watch now? - Yes, be ... . ... he relieve the Second Officer? - No, he ... He relieved the Fourth Mate.
3. ... you got two main engines on board your ship? Yes, we ... .
4. When ... you have breakfast today? - We had breakfast at 8 in the morning today.
5. Who ... responsible for the Engine Department? - The Chief Engineer ... . ... you want to see him now? - Yes, I ... .


Ответ дал: peskotskaya
1Did, were,wasn't, was
2Is, is,did, didn't
3Have, have
5is, is ,do, do
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