1. What do living things include?2. Can we say that we have already studied all the plants and animals that live in planet?What groupsofanimals do know?3. In what way are plants and animals different?4The text says that some plants are very tiny and some are very big.Is that true about animals?Can you give examples?5. Why can't we live without plants and animals?In what ways do we use them?6. What is carbon dioxide?7. Do you know any plants that catch and eat insects?8. Can you name any plants that can travel from place to place?9. What animals never leave their places?10. Can you name some plants that grow very tall and live a long life?


Ответ дал: Pomochnikshcolnicz
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Pomochnikshcolnicz: Ага щас
Pomochnikshcolnicz: 1-This is what is around ua 2- No because we do not know much about nature yet 3-They differ in that animals can be moved and the plants do not
Pomochnikshcolnicz: 4-Yes, animals can be large and small 5-We use that they would excrete oxygen and we could live 6-Carbon dioxide is a colorless gas 7 -there is such a plant as a flytrap 8-No I can not 9-For example Fish Cat, she does not leave her place 10-For example, a plant such as oak
Pomochnikshcolnicz: Пожалуйста не забудь поблагодарить .
Аноним: Thank you
Pomochnikshcolnicz: Not at all
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