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Английский язык‍♀️



Ответ дал: parljukljuba
1 You play basketball, don't you? You 're good at it, aren't you?
2 You study medicine, don't you?
3 They go to the same college, don't they?
4 She lives next door to your place, doesn't she?
5 Your boss doesn't usually leave the office till six, does he?
6 You don't often go to parties, do you?
7 He can give you a lift, can't he?
8 You 've got a big family, haven't you?
9 She's got two sons and a daughter, hasn't she?
10 Her son doesn't go to school yet, does he?
11 Alex is an economist, isn't he?

lgododpsl: Спасибо большое!
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