Exercise 3. Use “some”, “any”, “no”, “something”, “anything”, “nothing”, “somebody”, “anybody”, “nobody”, “somewhere”, “anywhere”. 1. Do you have ... classes today? – No, we have ... classes on Saturday. 2. Have you got ... questions? 3. I want to tell you ... interesting about our friend Sally. 4. Is there ... interesting in today’s paper? 5. Come here, I’ll show you ... pictures of our country house. 6. There is ... in the fridge. Go and get ... food. 7. Do you know ... in that house? 8. Hi! Is there ... in the house? – No, I’m afraid, there is ... . – Let’s go and see. 9. There is light in the flat. ... is at home. 10. ... knows their new address. 11. Are you going anywhere special tonight? – Yes, I am going ... special tonight. 12. Are you expecting ... special for dinner? – Nobody special. 13. Is he going ... special for holidays? – Nowhere special.


Ответ дал: ko6mos
1. any, no
2. any
6.nothing, some
7. anybody
8. anybody, nobody
11. somewhere
12. somebody
13. anywhere
Ответ дал: makuzkinap195y6
1. Do you haveany classes..we have no classes...
2. Any.
3 Some
4 anything
5 some
6 nothing, some
7 anybody
8 anybody, nobody
9 somebody
10 nobody
11 somewhere
12 anybody
13 anywhere
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